The following is an instruction sheet on obtaining your horse’s Global Vet Link Coggins Certificate. Please call our office with any questions or concerns:
- Click on log in/sign up in upper right hand corner
- When creating a new account:
- Click on create an account a. Animal Owner account
- Accept terms and conditions
- Type in the e-mail address you gave our office when a coggins test was requested for your horse
- You will receive an e-mail with a temporary password and link
- Follow the link
- Type in the temporary password
- Create your account and new password
- Click on certificates at the left side of the screen
- Choose “view certificates”
- Select the horse and print their certificate
*Horse owners will need to provide Parrott Equine Associates with a current/valid e-mail address in order for Global Vet Link to release coggins certificates to any person other than clinic staff.
*Horse owners will also need internet access and a color printer to print their horse’s coggins certificates.